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Donate to One of Our Churches

Sustaining the work of the parishes, maintaining our buildings,  meeting our Diocesan quotas and giving to charities comes with a significant financial challenge. We need to raise more than £100,000 per year.  We do not receive any grants from Central Government or Local Government.


Dulverton Benefice consists of six churches. We would like to invite you to make a donation to the church of your choice. We would be very grateful if you would allow us to claim Gift Aid. This would add an extra value of 25% to your gift if you are a basic rate tax payer.

Your donation will be processed by the Give a Little platform. You can donate by clicking on the following button. This will take you to our page at Give a Little site where you can choose which church to support.

Alternatively you can donate by using your mobile and the following QR code.

We are very grateful to each individual who makes a donation to the work of one of our churches.

QR Code for donation

Give A Little® is a trading name of Caution Your Blast Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07203051. Their privacy policy can be found HERE.


TThe Vicarage, High Street, Dulverton, Somerset, TA22 9DW


el: 01398 322867


To see how we manage personal data, and view our data policy, please click on PDF icon.

We are are registered with the ICO.                 

To contact our Data Protection Officer, please send an email to:


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. You should not rely on any information presented here for making any commercial, business or legal decisions, agreements  or commitments . 

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